Interested in applying for an AWS Foundation Grant? Start here and then follow these steps…
Before You Apply…
Check Your Eligibility
Make sure your organization is eligible.
Take our Eligibility Quiz (at the bottom of our New Applicants page). If youre still not sure, or if youve never applied for a grant from us before, please contact a member of the Grants team.
Submit Your LOI
(If Required)
Complete a Letter of Intent (LOI).
- Your organization is making its first grant request;
- Your request is for something not previously funded by AWS Foundation
Apply Online
Complete an online application.
We use an online grant application and management system called Foundant Technology. This system enables you to work on your application over time, cut and paste information into question fields, save your work and then return to it. You can also print the entire application (including attachments) with just one click. Reports will be submitted using this grant portal too. And, your organizations applications and reports will be permanently stored for you to access at any time.
The logon process requires the following:
- An email address to use as a user name
- Your contact information
- Your organizations information including the EIN/Tax ID number
- Contact information for your organizations Executive Director/CEO
Ready to Apply?
When you are ready to start your application, use the link below to login to our grant portal.