This is a note of confession that in the 5 years of newsletters, we have, without knowledge, potentially violated pending statutes and signed directives regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Disability is Diversity.
AWS Foundation celebrates the lives of those in our community with disabilities. We advocate for quality of life and for all to achieve their fullest potential. We work to build a welcoming community in every domain. We educate on the laws that protect the rights of the disabled.
Both the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) were passed with bipartisan support. Both prohibit discrimination because of disability, including in employment.
There has been a palpable shift in America regarding discrimination. Across the country, research institutions, schools, providers, and agencies that receive federal grants are combing through their websites, publications, and research documents to comply with directives related to eliminating disability, equity, and inclusion references.
State bills are being proposed and executive orders are being signed, including in Indiana, requiring the removal of diversity statements in hiring, defunding DEI initiatives, or drafting anti-DEI bills. Proposed practices vary from state to state. Let’s focus on just one commonly considered mandate, the elimination of references to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Remember, disability is diversity.
Businesses are reportedly scouring policies, research, operational guidelines and more to erase words that are deemed inappropriate or flag them for further review if they fail to comply with executive orders. The Washington Post (February 4, 2025) listed keywords that are being flagged by the National Science Foundation staff in adherence to recent executive orders.
I wondered how AWS Foundation’s website would weather such scrutiny. Using a few of their listed keywords, these are a few of our self-reported violations.
- Disability Representation (May 22, 2023) – this article about the new Barbie with Down syndrome spoke to gender stereotypes
- Our Inclusive Community Statement of Support speaks to racial inequality
- Lois Curtis (November 14, 2022) – referenced Segregation and Advocacy
- Inclusion and Equity Begin with Intersectionality (February 21, 2023)
- Justin Dart (July 25, 2022) – This story of the ‘Father of the ADA’ mentions racism
- More Than Awareness (March 14, 2022) – includes equity
- Marginalization is mentioned in articles written by two board members (Whitney Bandemer & Susan Trent)
- Implicit Bias (March 22, 2023)
Each of these bold keywords are being flagged in state and national documents knowing with inappropriate use, they could be at risk of jeopardizing their funding. How do we discuss disability and not use these words? How do we help those with disabilities to be fully engaged in all aspects of community life and not talk about segregation, inequality, and oppression?
Harvard Business Review posted a timely article on February 11, 2025 regarding DEI and when there is a legal risk to an organization. This relatively brief article provides encouragement as to managing these communication challenges around DEI. Silence around diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as illegal activity around preference or benefit to protected groups each has potential negative consequences. The answers are not absolute, but it is an issue that is manageable.
Denying there is a problem is not the solution. We fund organizations that are dependent on federal dollars. They are providing critical services and opportunities for the disabled as we share a vision of a fully inclusive community. So, schools are required to meet the educational needs of every student yet are unable to acknowledge the diverse and unique needs of each student?
Let us not abandon the progress made over the last fifty years with our commitment to disability rights. We can promote a culture of inclusion. We must adhere to equity for all in our actions. We know a more diverse workforce has benefits. We must know the line in how to speak of issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I have used this quote previously and it is every bit as relevant now. “The world, nature, human beings, do not move like machines. The edges are never clear-cut but always frayed. Nature never draws a line without smudging it.” (Winston Churchill)
Are you the one who sees “different” as needing to be changed or ignored? Can you open yourself to greater exposure to that which is different with the goal of celebrating people as they are?