#1 Indiana Disability Resource Finder
In 2019, we officially launched a free program just for Indiana called IndianaDisabilityResourceFINDER.org. Affectionately nicknamed FINDER, its another step in our master plan to make it easier for people of all abilities to identify and locate disability-related resources in their local communities.
FINDER is a free comprehensive online tool specifically designed to connect people with disabilities, family members, and professionals with disability-related programs, services, equipment and advocates. It supports local communities anywhere in Indiana.
Funded by AWS Foundation, FINDER was made possible with the help of nonprofit organizations, State of Indiana representatives and families from across Indiana, and we are just getting started.
FINDER is built on our InChoice Navigation platform. To learn more about how your organization can implement our InChoice Navigation platform to help people with disabilities find the resources they need, contact Vicki Johnson at vjohnson@InChoiceNavigation.org.
Why Finder?
For years, individuals with disabilities and their families have talked about the many challenges they face when trying to navigate a complex web of services, programs and other disability-related community resources. They face huge roadblocks in trying to identify what local resources are available to help them. Interestingly enough, when we talked with service providers, they too had difficulty finding information to assist the many unique needs of each person they served. If experienced professionals are challenged to locate information, how hard is it for someone new to the disability community?
Enter IndianaDisabilityResourceFINDER.org. It offers individuals reliable, timely and geographically relevant information so they can make an informed decision on what is right for them and their personal situation.
FINDER collects and organizes contact and service information from around Indiana, giving 24/7 access to timely and reliable information improving quality of life for Hoosiers living with an intellectual, developmental or physical disability.

Whats listed and how are listings added?
FINDER contains more than 3,000 service providers located across the state with the potential to include thousands more. To grow the system, program, service and equipment providers are asked to logon to IndianaDisabilityResourceFINDER.org to check for their listing. Once found, they can claim their listing and update existing information. If they are not listed in FINDER, providers can sign up to enter their information. Also, if you know of a resource that is missing from FINDER, you are encouraged to submit information online at IndianaDisabilityResourceFINDER.org. Before its published, all information displayed on FINDER is reviewed and verified.
While we are excited about all thats been accomplished, we know that the adventure is just beginning. Every time FINDER is used, we will learn more from each search, listing and search result. Its how we will continue to improve! Please help us by searching FINDER for information in your community today.
Site Administration
In November 2020, IU’s Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC) partnered with AWS Foundation to implement Indiana Disability Resource FINDER as part of its library information and referral services.
For more information, email Info@IndianaDisabilityResourceFINDER.org.